Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27

Hey ya'll,

Last night we had our first real flag football game. The week previous, the other fraternity didn't show up, so we won by forfeit. Anyways, our defense played amazing! We ended up beating ATO 18-0! It was a great shut-out. Mark had an interception and almost snagged a second one in the 2nd half. The offense did well too. Collin had an AWESOME 1 handed catch to keep the drive alive late in the 2nd half. Also, Zach threw a couple TD's and things are really starting to click. Sorry for not having any pictures of the football game. I'll try to get some for next time!

After the game, a bunch of guys went to the philanthropy event for Sigma Chi. It was their annual Derby Days event to raise money to fight breast cancer. At the event, each sorority made a ten minute dance routine to perform to all those in attendance. It was an awesome event and I'm glad we were able to support another fraternity.

This weekend is the Homecoming weekend! Clemson is playing Coastal Carolina on Saturday. Theta Chi will be having our regular tailgate in the fraternity and sorority Quad on campus. If you're an Eta Alpha Chapter alumni or another Theta Chi alumni feel free to come. Let me know so that way we can be sure to have enough food. You can email me at Lepper@Clemson.edu


Monday, October 26, 2009

A really busy last couple days

Hey all--

The Colonization Ceremony went great! It was an awesome day for the men of Eta Alpha. There were 25 men who officially became New Members of the Fraternity (3 guys couldn't make it due to personal reasons, but are still in the group).

Afterwards, when speaking to some of the New Members of the Colony, they said that they really admired all of the Brothers who came and helped conduct the Colonization. They were amazed by the passion that Brothers had to drive or fly into Clemson for the morning and then leave shortly after the ceremony. Here's a picture of the men after the Colonization Ceremony:

Recently, the members of Eta Alpha gave out 24 bids last Sunday. Originally, 19 guys accepted their bids! However, of those newest guys, 2 already had to drop for personal and or family reasons. Currently, the Colony has 45 guys! We are not done recruiting though, as we will be having a couple more events in the near future. Our hope is to recruit another 10 guys before Thanksgiving break!

Tonight we have our 2nd flag football game. Last week we won by forfeit as the other team did not show up. A win's a win.

Wednesday night we tentatively have a social planned with Sigma Kappa and Gamma Phi Beta. It's tentatively because the other fraternity we were paired with backed out at the last minute.

If you have any questions or would like to be put in contact with any of the members of Eta Alpha, feel free to E-mail Dan at Lepper@Clemson.edu and he'll put you into contact with them.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Colonization Ceremony coming up!

The Colonization Ceremony for the Eta Alpha Interest Group is going to take place on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 9:30 AM in the Student Sentate Chambers on campus. There will be representatives from IHQ and other brothers in attendence. Jim McEachern, past National President will be conducting the ceremony.

If you would like to attend, please email Dan Lepper, the graduate advisor at Lepper@Clemson.edu or just show up. The ceremony is scheduled to start at 9:30 and then head to tailgating on the Greek Quad.

Let me know if you have questions.



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2nd Post-Interest Meeting

Hey ya'll,

Tonight there was an interest meeting for the Eta Alpha Interest Group. Essentially, we have a meeting that starts with a meet and greet, then progresses to a formal presentation that is conducted by the recruitment chairman and a couple others and then some wrap up questions from the guys interested.

It was a GREAT turnout tonight! There were about 25 guys who were interested that attended the meeting. It was held at 7:30 in Sirrine 120. Lots of snaps go out to Col. Lance Young, our faculty advisor for booking the room for the meeting and for bringing an awesome dinner! It was great!

These next couple of weeks will be filled with recruitment events. Ideally, it would be nice to have a recruitment before Fall Break (which is this upcoming weekend), but most likely we'll have one once we return.

It's safe to say that everyone that is currently in the Interest Group is excited and motivated to see Eta Alpha return as a Chapter once again to Clemson University! It's going to be a lot of work, but will definitely be worth it come time for Re-Instillation.

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Blog-October 5, 2009

Theta Chi Fraternity is coming back to Clemson. The Eta Alpha Chapter was at Clemson from 1970 until 2001. Currently Eta Alpha is an Interest Group with 28 men. The group will become a Colony on October 17, 2009 at 9:30 AM in the Student Senate Chambers. This is the same day as the Wake Forrest vs. Clemson football game. If you are an Eta Alpha alumni and going to be in town, please feel free to come out to the Colonization ceremony. Contact Dan Lepper at Lepper@Clemson.edu for more details.

Homecoming is also approaching on October 31, 2009. All alumni are encourage to come to the tailgate that will be taking place in the fraternity and sorority Quad near the football stadium.

Here are some recent photos:

This is a rush Theta Chi flag that a couple members had as their profile pictures on facebook.

Here are the guys after setting up the brand new tent for the first time. It was quite a success and as ya'll can see, the tent is AMAZING!

Here are the guys at our first "Gallon Challenge" recruitment event in Spring 2009. As you can see, there are a lot of guys out there. Essentially, the Gallong Challenge is where guys try to drink a gallon of milk within an hour without vomiting. Believe it or not, it's really fun!

Stay tuned as there will be many more blog posts in the near future!